New Happenings..

So I’ve taken a couple of weeks off of the blog, but Here I am, back and moving forward. This is just an update as to what have been going on over the past few weeks. My goal, as you may or may not know, Is to have $500,000 in my checking account and be earning an annual income of $120,000 per year. I guess at some point I should get more specific, and iron out some sort of detailed plan, but I do like the direction I’m headed in now.

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been using craigslist as a way to gain web clients. What I offer is web design/creating websites using as my building platform. If you are not familiar with it I recommend you check it out. It’s a way you can put together top of the line sites and provide its users with complete user ease and accessibility. I get my website themes from The results so far have not been disappointing. In the last month I’ve managed to pick up 4 clients who all have very different projects. I don’t like to say that I have secured a client until I have money in the bank! So if  I were to be talking about only clients who have paid me.. I have 2 legitimate clients. The others are a little shaky and not good at getting back to me, but they have verbally said they want to hire me for the job. Like I said, nothing is guaranteed until I have money in my hand. Regardless, this is an exciting venture.

I just got back from working with one client. Her site is I spent about 2 hours teaching her how she can use wordpress to do most of the work herself. She told me she paid a guy $2,000 to put this site together! I had to laugh and tell her she kind of got ripped off, but the past is the past, and it’s time to move forward. We had a great session today and I was able to fill her in on a LOT. We will be meeting once a week or so. Whatever works best for her.

On an important note…

I had my first interview for one of 2 sales coordinator positions that have opened up at my hotel. Talk about coincidence? It wasn’t too long I posted this in regards to working for the sales division of the hotel.. and oddly enough something opened up! We’ll see what happens. I’m trying to just let go and let whatever happens happen. I’m getting back more into my positive thinking mind sets which is helping me throughout this process. So yes, I had the first interview today. I feel good about it, and that’s all that really matters right? This would be a blessing if I were offered this job. So I’ m just letting go of my attachment to the outcome, and letting good things come my way.

There’s not much more to say at this point. I finished with about $1,000 commission for the month of March so I’m looking forward to a nice paycheck! It feels the more I focus on MORE MONEY.. the more money I actually earn. I’m not surprised, because all I’m doing is putting to use the Laws of Attraction. I hope and pray more good things come my way! I also hope success comes your way in whatever you are currently pursuing.

Til’ next week!

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