The Happiness Project $$$

A big part of the Law of Attraction revolves around feeling GOOD! I remember like yesterday the day I learned about this. I said to myself: “All I have to do is feel good?” So I proceeded to just feel excellent for the next several days. About a week into this “experiment’ I was randomly called in my the district manager whom I’d never met up until that point, and offered a substantial promotion to my own store! The pay was great!  The new responsibility was wonderful! I almost couldn’t believe that by just feeling good all of these good things were happening to me! This story continues, but I will have to finish it another time. The point of that was to say that I have experienced first hand the reward of simply feeling good throughout the day.

Lately, I’ve noticed that I haven’t been feeling good internally. I pretty much haven’t been feeling anything below the waist! I’ve been in a mental clutter of hate, envy, disgust, (insert negative emotion here). One day last week during my meditation session I had a realization that I CAN feel good again, because I felt amazing during that meditation session. I said to myself: If I can maintain this state of mind throughout my day, I’ll be able to feel good, and begin receiving “good” things again. So I went to work the next day, and put it to the test. I woke up, and began to immediately think of things that I was grateful for and or things that made me extremely happy. I got to work, and could feel a difference in my state of mind. I was happy to be at work, I was happy to interact with guests. I was genuinely a happy guy! About 1 hour into work (still feeling great) 2 guests came to the desk wanting an early check in. Naturally we didn’t have any rooms available so it was in my nature to try to upsell them and make a commission for myself. As I began to gather how I was going to present the upsell the guest asked: “ Can I just pay extra for an upgrade?” BAM! upgrade done, and money in my pocket! I was feeling good.

Nothing too substantial happened until later when we had clearly made a mistake on a gentlemen’s reservation. He jokingly said: “looks like you guys have to upgrade me for free, huh?”  I got everything straightened out, and gave him a quadruple upgrade to one of our prime suites for the inconvenience. The room wasn’t ready at the time, but he was more than happy with that, and ended up handing me a $20 bill! I was slowly becoming a money magnet.. It gets better… The next day, I was feeling good again. I was mentally where I needed to be, and nothing could stop me. To make a long story short, a gentleman by the name of Tyler (a big spender I’d met a while ago) randomly called me, asking for a room for 2 rooms for 6 nights. He wanted a suite, and a cabana room. Based off of my commission scale I made $200 off of that alone! When he got there the next day, he thanked me, and tipped me $200 cash! I was on a ROLE! Things could not have gotten any better.. or could they?

Before I left for the day, a gentleman came to check in, and literally threw down a $50 bill, and asked for an upgrade! I’d literally become a money magnet!!! I’d made (including commission) over $500 dollars in 2days! WOW! I feel truly blessed at this moment. I’m off for 2 days, but I return on Thursday. I am going to keep doing this feel-good project. I’ll have to keep meditating and doing mental practices, but it is worth it so far. I wonder what other good things (besides money) will come my way..? May I continue to be grateful in everything I do!

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