Monthly Archives: March 2012

Online/Offline Marketing venture

It’s about time I start making some more money! lol Well… that IS the point of this whole site. I’ve been doing a lot of reading on the Warrior forum and everyday I am learning a substantial amount of free information on how to make money online and offline!

One successful gentleman posted on the forum something that instantly hit home for me. He made the point of saying that there is no need for you learn first, and make money later (as it relates to offline marketing). You can make money AND learn at the same time! It’s amazing how much truth was in that post. You can read it here to get a better understanding of what I mean. I get pumped every time I read this.

I usually have a habit of trying to jump from one thing to another, so I want to first finish the EMT site, and start to generate some income off of it first before I dive head in to offline marketing, but part of me is telling me to GO—> I’m not sure why, but for some reason I’m more interested in selling my service to local businesses offline than I am trying to research a niche, build a site, rank it, and develop strategies for making money. I love the concept of both online AND offline marketing, so I’m thrilled to see how this all turns out.

Offline Marketing business plan

While I don’t have a solid business plan quite yet I have somewhat of an idea as to how I will run/operate my business.

I will be offering Website building packages and SEO (service engine optimization) packages primarily. I’ll target local business who do not have a website, and look like they could use more business. I’ll do this by cold calling and Emailing prospective clients. The cold calling part is the more sensitive. I’ll have to develop some sort of script that enables me to not get hung up on in the first 20 seconds. After I have them interested I will need to have a way to set up a meeting time to discuss payments, and hopefully leave with an installment check in hand.

I fee a lot of success in the offline marketing business is contingent upon what one thinks he/she is capable of achieving. Personally, my saving grace is: I’m a good salesman. All the jobs I have had that revolve around sales I have succeeded in and exceeded all expectations. With this being said why can’t I succeed in selling MYSELF and my services?

I’m excited to get this up and off the ground. I’m going to put together a solid business plan and will share it with you all very soon.

I’m really looking forward to this!

Til’ next week!

P.S. is turning out great! Thanks to my friend Julian a talented graphic/web designer.  Check it out!

Time to Change

In  my efforts to increase my “feel good” throughout the day (which is a huge factor in bring excellent “things”, situations and occurrences into your life) I made the decision to change up my daily routines a little bit. I have a set schedule at my job;   7AM to3:30PM. What I have been doing for the past year is waking up at 6AM/6:15AM which gives me just enough time to shower, brush my teeth and dart out of the house at 6:45AM making it to work EXACTLY on time.

This has been my daily routine for about a year now. It dawned on me that if I want to achieve my ultimate goal of $500,000 and secure an annual income of $120,000 I’ll have to do things a lot different than what I’m doing now. My favorite all-time quote is “if you do what you’ve always done you’ll get what you’ve always gotten…” That quote rings true to each and every person. You can’t ALWAYS do XYZ, XYZ, XYZ, XYZ… and then suddenly expect to get ABC! That’s the problem with most people. They keep doing the same things, and expect different results. What’s more is they get upset that things aren’t changing, and blame everyone but themselves! This way of thinking dawned on me over the course of a couple of years, and it’s about time I start putting it to use for good.

I noticed that by the time I get to work my mind is in a state of mental “rush”, if you will.  Why? Because I rush out of bed, I rush to the shower, I rush to get dressed, rush to work, and feel rushed by the time I arrive to work. This is mentally exasperating plus it makes me extremely irritable, and there is no way I can feel good, and attract good things into my life if I’m in that state of mind.

I made the decision to change my morning routine! I figure that a big part of how I feel throughout the day depends on how I start my mornings. Rather than rushing out of the house in a hurry, and harboring the feeling of being rushed which would inevitably cause my emotions to plummet into a down-spiral throughout the day, I’m going to wake up earlier, and treat myself to a proper morning. What does that entail?

  1. Wake up at 5:15AM
  2. Eat a decent breakfast (something I never do)
  3. Take a nice shower
  4. 6:AM-6:25AM will be dedicated to meditating

(this will only apply to days I have work)

I’ve done this routine for the last 3 days, an I’m pleased to announce that it has had a significant (positive) impact on how my days have been going! The meditation really helps give me a clear mind entering the day so that I can function free of  any negative thoughts. Initially I decided I would meditate after breakfast, but at that point of the morning the mind is still in the waking state which makes it easier to fall asleep during the meditation. Showering first helps wake me up, and gives me

Another reason I decided to make this change was so that I could get in the habit of creating a better sense of self-discipline for myself. Most days I feel as if I’m living life without drive/ intention, and I dislike that. If I’m going to achieve my ultimate goal I will have to start living life consciously and with purpose. Gone are the days of living life riding the waves of my emotional whims. I want to live my life with clear precise intention. I’m excited to see how these changes will ultimately affect me.


The Happiness Project $$$

A big part of the Law of Attraction revolves around feeling GOOD! I remember like yesterday the day I learned about this. I said to myself: “All I have to do is feel good?” So I proceeded to just feel excellent for the next several days. About a week into this “experiment’ I was randomly called in my the district manager whom I’d never met up until that point, and offered a substantial promotion to my own store! The pay was great!  The new responsibility was wonderful! I almost couldn’t believe that by just feeling good all of these good things were happening to me! This story continues, but I will have to finish it another time. The point of that was to say that I have experienced first hand the reward of simply feeling good throughout the day.

Lately, I’ve noticed that I haven’t been feeling good internally. I pretty much haven’t been feeling anything below the waist! I’ve been in a mental clutter of hate, envy, disgust, (insert negative emotion here). One day last week during my meditation session I had a realization that I CAN feel good again, because I felt amazing during that meditation session. I said to myself: If I can maintain this state of mind throughout my day, I’ll be able to feel good, and begin receiving “good” things again. So I went to work the next day, and put it to the test. I woke up, and began to immediately think of things that I was grateful for and or things that made me extremely happy. I got to work, and could feel a difference in my state of mind. I was happy to be at work, I was happy to interact with guests. I was genuinely a happy guy! About 1 hour into work (still feeling great) 2 guests came to the desk wanting an early check in. Naturally we didn’t have any rooms available so it was in my nature to try to upsell them and make a commission for myself. As I began to gather how I was going to present the upsell the guest asked: “ Can I just pay extra for an upgrade?” BAM! upgrade done, and money in my pocket! I was feeling good.

Nothing too substantial happened until later when we had clearly made a mistake on a gentlemen’s reservation. He jokingly said: “looks like you guys have to upgrade me for free, huh?”  I got everything straightened out, and gave him a quadruple upgrade to one of our prime suites for the inconvenience. The room wasn’t ready at the time, but he was more than happy with that, and ended up handing me a $20 bill! I was slowly becoming a money magnet.. It gets better… The next day, I was feeling good again. I was mentally where I needed to be, and nothing could stop me. To make a long story short, a gentleman by the name of Tyler (a big spender I’d met a while ago) randomly called me, asking for a room for 2 rooms for 6 nights. He wanted a suite, and a cabana room. Based off of my commission scale I made $200 off of that alone! When he got there the next day, he thanked me, and tipped me $200 cash! I was on a ROLE! Things could not have gotten any better.. or could they?

Before I left for the day, a gentleman came to check in, and literally threw down a $50 bill, and asked for an upgrade! I’d literally become a money magnet!!! I’d made (including commission) over $500 dollars in 2days! WOW! I feel truly blessed at this moment. I’m off for 2 days, but I return on Thursday. I am going to keep doing this feel-good project. I’ll have to keep meditating and doing mental practices, but it is worth it so far. I wonder what other good things (besides money) will come my way..? May I continue to be grateful in everything I do!

Gunning for a sales position at the hotel

In my efforts to accrue an income of $120,000 a year or more, and have $500,000 in my bank account (ideally by the age of 30) I’ve recently decided to try and increase my income by means of the hotel I currently work at. I’ve been employed for a little over a year now, and think it would be a good idea to transition from the front office to the executive offices. (Not as fancy as it sounds) About 2 months ago I had the chance to meet a woman by the name of Robin. She is currently the global sales director for the company. She is top of the chain for sales, modestly put. We were introduced in the back by the sales manager and spoke for a few moments. Last week I noticed she was back in the office, and I wanted to talk to her about getting an internship in the sales department of our hotel. I missed her as she’d left before I’d even had the chance to say hello. It was a little discouraging, but had her email address from the first time we’d met. So I mustered up the courage to send her this email:

“Good evening, Robin

My name is Seth, and I work at the front desk of the Hollywood Roosevelt. You might possibly have forgotten, but we met in brief at one point in the sales office. Seth Peterson introduced me to you. I wanted to catch you today while you were in, but you were a little pre-occupied this morning.

Getting to the point; I have been working at the hotel for a little over a year now, and am looking to progress my profession in the hospitality industry. I’m looking for your guidance, as I would like to advance my career to the hotel’s sales division. I do not have an extensive hotel work history, nor do I have the relevant (hotel) sales expertise. What I do have, however, is the yearning to do well for myself and for the company which, knowing me, surpasses any amount of prerequisites.

I wasn’t sure if it was you I should have reached out to in respect to this, but I unquestionably did want to express to you my enthusiasm in transitioning to the hotel sales division at some point. Is there an Internship program that my be offered for individuals such as myself who want to acquire a career in hotel sales? If I had to sum up my primary question I would ask: how to I advance myself from the front office to the sales division?

Forgive me if you are not the proper individual to communicate this to in regards to this matter. I truly figured it could not hurt to reach out to you, and let’s face it; we all have to start somewhere. I hope this finds you well.



I figured it couldn’t hurt to TRY, right? So it was sent.

Today it has been about a week since sending that email, and I have gotten no response. I didn’t know whether or not to expect a response as she is flooded with emails each day, but It was worth a shot! She may even respond later down the line, who knows. I’m staying optimistic, and detaching myself from the outcome of the email.

Today I decided to meet with the head of Human Resources in hopes she could shine a little light on my situation. We met, and spoke about an internship, but nothing really came about it. She told me that there has never been a sales internship before, and it could be created if the time/budget were to become available. She told me that I should speak to Bob, our director of sales about my desire to work for the sales team. She asked me if I wanted her to reach out to him for me, but I gratefully told her I would be more than willing to do so myself. So I sent Bob an email when I got home today, and he responded promptly. We have a meeting this Friday, and I will lay out all the questions I have for him, and hopefully come out with a solid positive answer. This may or may not be the appropriate way for me to go about achieving my goal of $500k, but this is trial and error. If I want different results I will have to do things differently. I’ll let you all know how it goes!

And so it begins..

I’ve created this blog in an effort to document and share with you all my personal journey from now until I  accomplish my ultimate goal of having $500,000 in my bank account, and have an annual income of $120,000 by way of utilizing the Law of Attraction/God. I’m 24 and plan on achieving this by the age of 30. The joy of this journey is that I don’t know how I’m going to accomplish this! I’ll be experimenting with many different ways to generate income for myself, and sharing with you in detail what works and doesn’t work.

I am a firm believer in the Law of Attraction. I’ll be putting to use a lot of techniques I have learned over the years, and sharing with you how they affect my daily life. I’m not by any means exactly where I want to be yet, but I truly believe that I will accomplish my goal by meeting the appropriate people along the way, and by the circumstances I wind up in over the course of the years.

I currently work in the hospitality industry, and have an income of $1700 – $2,200 per month. (If I make no commission I end up with $1700 after taxes, but I usually generate anywhere from $400 to $600 during the slow season). I have about $700 in debt which is better than the initial $1,300 I had. These are just parking tickets that I need to pay and 2 old phone bills. I currently have about $2,000 in savings, and $300 in my pocket (literally)

My monthly expenses are as follows:

Rent- 450
Phone- 111
Insurance, 100
Internet, 15
Utilities- 17

Total: (roundedd up) $700/month

I didn’t include gas for my car, because it’s an inconsistent amount per month based on how much I drive or how many trips I take. I always fill my tank to the brim, however which runs me up to about $50 with gas being $4.50.

I’m giving you this information just to show you that I’m coming from a fresh start, essentially. I don’t have loads of debt, and I have a job. I want you to see that I’m taking myself from zero to $500k by hard work, a little luck, and being in the right place at the right time. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do!